17 Things I Learnt in 2017

I find these sorts of lists really inspiring, so I thought I'd share (in no particular order), 17 things I have learnt in 2017: 1. Vulnerability is powerful.  Through writing this blog this year I have shared some of my most personal experiences and emotions. I am so humbled that others have been able to [...]

Thank You…

One year ago today, on the 2nd of December 2016, 'INFP Insights' was born. With shaking hands and a racing heart, I published my first (very awkward) little introductory post, not knowing where I would be a year later. For a few months I had been toying with the idea of starting a blog to [...]

“Drowning in the Sea of a Sensitive Mind” – An Inspirational Poem

Drowning in longing For something pure, something real I gasp for air Reaching for you, but you're not there   The twisted workings of my mind Like a merry-go-round Spinning out of control Imaginary delusions on patrol   I want to escape The feeling that nothing is wrong, but nothing is right My world is [...]

The Art of the Human Experience

I've always been fascinated with the intricate details of the human experience. The conflicting paradoxes, longings, and wistful layers of emotions and thoughts that make up the depths of the mind. It is through introspection, and exposing oneself to all its associated confusion, frightening and enlightening discoveries, that it all becomes worth it. It is [...]

Streams of Consciousness (INFP Open Journal)

One of my favourite ways to journal is to do a "stream of consciousness" where you just let all words, feelings, thoughts, dreams and concerns flow freely out onto the paper. I find it really helps to clear your mind, as it lets the inner workings of your mind be heard, expressed and sometimes even [...]

INFP Social Relations (Ask an INFP #7)

Welcome back to the "Ask an INFP" blog series, where I answer questions and discuss topics as requested by some of my lovely readers. If you would like to participate, feel free to leave a comment, contact me on instagram (@infpinsights) or send an email to infpinsights@gmail.com. While I certainly don't claim to have all [...]

INFP vs ISFP Personality Types (Ask an INFP #5)

Welcome to the next instalment of the 'Ask an INFP' series here on the blog, where you have the opportunity to ask questions and suggest topics for discussion. If you would like to participate, feel free to leave a comment, DM me on instagram or send an email to infpinsights@gmail.com Thank you to @linariamilagra1990 on [...]

INFP Relationships & Compatibility (Ask an INFP #1)

Welcome to the first of a new series here on the blog, where you have the opportunity to ask questions and suggest topics for discussion. If you would like to participate in the next 'Ask an INFP' segment, feel free to leave a comment, DM me on instagram (@infpinsights) or send an email to infpinsights@gmail.com. [...]